The Hard Way Is the Better Way

It’s easy to think the only way to win is to outspend everyone else.

In most markets, the big brands have built their presence on massive reach and frequency. They’re everywhere, all the time — billboards, TV, prime time placement. And it works… IF you’ve got the budget.

But what if you’re not the market leader? What if you’re the 3rd, 4th, or 5th player?

You could easily bankrupt yourself trying to play the same game.

We set out to find a better way.

At Unfold, we’ve spent the past few years focused on the fundamentals—on building brands that people actually want to engage with. Brands that work hard. That are useful. Helpful. Easy to deal with. Trusted.

Instead of playing the same game as the big brands (and big agencies), we focused on a different one. We fondly call it hardworking advertising — or more dryly, a data-driven ecosystem approach to marketing. What are customers trying to get done? What’s in their way? And how do we make it easier for them? Then, we build a whole marketing ecosystem around those needs to deliver business outcomes.

Call it a jobs-to-be-done approach. Call it a customer-first strategy. But it’s all backed by data and powered by a well-designed ecosystem.

We’ve seen the results in client performance and sales — but today was something different: third-party validation.

When an independent research agency reports back that consumers spontaneously associate the brand with words like “honest,” “easy,” “supportive,” “reliable” — the very messages you’ve been carefully embedding through your ecosystem — that’s the payoff. The result? A strong, niche-leading position. Genuine differentiation in a tough market.

That doesn’t come from flash or gimmicks. It comes from consistently delivering value, clarity, and service. From building marketing ecosystems that connect the dots—from first impression to long-term loyalty.

And here’s the good news: you don’t need to be a “Power Brand” to be powerful.

Some of the strongest positions in the market belong to brands with loyal customers, high trust, and a clear point of difference. That’s a niche leader—firm foundations, built without breaking the bank.

The next challenge is visibility. Raising awareness. Spending a little more— not big-brand money — but enough to build on what’s already working.

And how much easier it is when you’re building from strength.

Not by shouting louder — but by saying the right things to the right people at the right time.

It’s not the easiest road. But it’s the one that works.


The Strategy Trap